Alpena, MI Office: (989)358-2100
Petoskey, MI Office: (231)487-1201


Mental Disorders and Social Security Disability

ID-10076341“Mental disorders” and “mental illness” are very broad terms that can represent many different illnesses of the mind.  Individuals who suffer from mental disorders could be approved for Social Security Disability benefits if the disorder is considered “disabling.”  Keep in mind it is harder to collect disability for mental disorders than for physical disorders.  The Social Security Administration (SSA) doesn’t always understand the severity of mental illnesses and the impact it has on the individual’s life.  Individuals who want to collect disability for mental disorders would benefit from treatment with doctors and using lawyers to help them get the benefits they deserve.

Why do Mental Disorder claims get Denied?

  • Lack of supporting evidence of disability such as doctor synopsis
  • Lack of Mental Health Records
  • Not taking Prescribed Medications
  • Inability to show supporting evidence of a Mental Disorder

Medical Documentation for Mental Disorders

If you are an individual with a mental illness or think you may have a mental illness it is important to meet regularly with a mental health professional.  To build a strong case proper medical documentation is needed such as mental health history, mental exams, psychological testing and prescription information. Your lawyer can send reports for your mental health professional to complete that helps prove your case.

Social Security Disability Attorneys

If you are diagnosed with a mental condition and believe you are disabled to work, it is important to talk to a Social Security Disability Attorney.  Social Security Disability Attorneys gather information to help clients receive disability benefits by proving to the SSA their client is disabled and unable to work.  Disability attorneys have experience helping clients receive the benefits they deserve. Attorney’s and their professional team help build a strong case to present to the Social Security Administration.

Examples of Mental Illnesses

General Disorders



-Bipolar Disorder


-Panic Disorder


-Panic Disorder

-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

-Seasonal Affective Disorder

-Social Phobia

Sleep Disorders


-Sleep Terror Disorder


-Alzheimer’s Disease

Personality Disorders

-Schizoid Disorder

-Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

-Histrionic Personality Disorder

-Borderline Personality Disorder

-Antisocial Personality Disorder

-Narcissistic Personality Disorder