Alpena, MI Office: (989)358-2100
Petoskey, MI Office: (231)487-1201


Fibromyalgia Information and Disability Benefits

Doctor_FibromyalgiaFibromyalgia is a medical disorder with many different symptoms.  Some of the major symptoms include:   chronic muscle pain, anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep disorders.  Research indicates sometimes symptoms of Fibromyalgia can occur after a physical trauma, prolonged stress and/or infection.   Fibromyalgia patients that are disabled to work could be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits in the United States.  Fibromyalgia is a serious condition that needs to be addressed by a doctor.

Fibromyalgia is hard to diagnose and there is a blood test used called FM/a that can help with diagnosis.  Many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia have a hard time performing work as some of their symptoms include memory impairment, brain fog, fatigue and pain.  Web MD suggests in their article “Fibromyalgia: Work and Disability”    that employed fibromyalgia patients should be allowed to take breaks/naps at work, allowed flexible workloads, reduce physical exertion, etc.  Many employers won’t allow naps on the job and flexible hours which makes it hard for fibromyalgia patients to keep a job or to find a job.   Individuals with fibromyalgia are able to apply for social security disability benefits in Michigan and other states.  If you have a disability and have a hard time working we strongly suggest you call a Social Security Law Firm.

Fibromyalgia is viewed more serious by the SSA today than years ago

The SSA issued SSR 12-2P in July of 2012 entitling fibromyalgia patients to receive SSDI benefits.  There are many determining factors whether or not individuals with fibromyalgia are granted SSD benefits.   The more varied the treatment method used by the patient, the more likely the SSA is to award benefits to the individual.  In some cases if a patient’s symptoms are not absolutely taken care of with a prescribed medicine or supplement, a much more holistic method is implemented. This could include the use of physical treatment to develop muscular tissue tone, a program of medicine, stress administration techniques, mind-calming exercise, yoga, stretched muscular tissues, acupressure, acupuncture, massage therapy, etc.

Some of the Fibromyalgia Symptoms we found through our Research: (Not Limited To)


-Cold hands

-Heart palpitations

-Join Pain

-Diffuse swelling


-Brain fog

-Carpal Tunnel


-Excessive sleeping


-Blurred Vision

-Altered level of consciousness

-Memory problems

-Attacks of uncontrollable rage


-Panic attacks


-Irritable bladder

-Sensitivity to light


If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and are unable to work you should contact an experience Social Security Disability Firm such as Mortimer Law Firm to help get you the benefits you deserve.  Mortimer Law Firm has 3 offices in Northern Michigan specializing in Social Security Disability.  If you think you have any of the symptoms listed above you should contact your primary care physician.

 WebMD. (2013). Fibromyalgia: Work and Disability. Retrieved from WebMD: